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Main page / News & Events / Ukraine news / British Architects Design a Business Center in The Central Part of Kiev.

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Region: Kyiv region
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Area of lot land: 119 Ha
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British Architects Design a Business Center in The Central Part of Kiev.


British Architects Design a Business Center in The Central Part of Kiev.


The concept of the Business Center was presented to the City’s Architectural Council. A British architect Mr. Rostock says that the Center will be located on the 4.2 hectares lot. At the moment there are located buildings of an old industrial facility.

Some buildings may have historical value and won’t be demolished. To keep in consistence with historical buildings there will be low-rise new buildings on perimeter of the block. In the center of the block there will be two main buildings of the Business Center. The architect prepared 40, 35 and 30 story building options in the case if high-rise construction limitation would be enforced.

The major attention British architects paid to the cars and pedestrians traffic in the area. Underneath the block there will be a parking lot for 2.5 thousand cars.

Real-estate Company INOR ordered the project.

The source: Construction Ukraine