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VR plans serious corrections with construction regulation


VR plans serious corrections with construction regulation


The parliament approved a first reading of the draft law No. 2451 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Architectural and Construction Control" with 292 votes.

According to the draft law, state architectural and construction control is to be made by the federal executive committee in charge of construction, town planning, and architecture.

A State control within this organisation will be made by the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate and its territorial departments.

The draft law states that these inspectorates will be financed by constructors via payments to a special funds of a State budget and that the chairman and deputies will have the rights to apply the penalties.

The draft law also stated that a construction permit is not enough to start construction works without relevant permit from the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate or its territorial departments.

According to the note to the draft law, the document is called to create state architectural and construction control, since presently the time of examination are too long (45-120 days in keeping with the law, however, much longer in practice) and there is no single expert control of construction projects, which results in unsatisfactory and ineffective work of state expert examination services.

The source: Ukraine Real Estate Market