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Main page / News & Events / Ukraine news / Karavan group goes further

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Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 499
Area of lot land: 119 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 1511
Area of lot land: 234 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 1979
Area of lot land: 300 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 596
Area of lot land: 80 Ha

Karavan group goes further


Karavan group goes further


In current year, Karavan plans the opening 1st part of new shopping and entertainment centre in Dnipropetrovsk, and start the construction more than 10 others to increase their total amount up to 15. For that purposes the company has 12 land sites already in Ukraine. And they are going to get more, especially in Eastern regions of Ukraine - Donetsk and Lugansk.

So, they want to become biggest retail chain in Ukraine. Intends are big, let see on moving on.

The source: Ukraine Real Estate Market