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Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 499
Area of lot land: 119 Ha
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Amount of houses: 1511
Area of lot land: 234 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 1979
Area of lot land: 300 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 596
Area of lot land: 80 Ha

In Lvov entered rent for every house individually


In Lvov entered rent for every house individually


The executive committee of the Lvov city council on Monday confirmed tariffs on services on maintenance houses and territories near them separately for every house of city.

In obedience to this decision, with each of habitants of Lvov Zheki will sign an agreement about the grant of package of services, and the cost of square meter of habitation will depend on the amount of these services. It is written down in a decision, that 12 services are obligatory, and 6 – recommended.

At the same time of и.о. of director of department of housing economy and infrastructure of the Lvov city council Sergey Babak, coming forward during meeting of executive committee through this question, declared that on the average paying for the square meter of habitation can grow from 5 to 20%, and can not grow, depending on the list of services. From preliminary data, the middle cost of square meter of habitation in Lvov will make about 90 copecks without payment for the export of garbage.

Another serious innovation is that habitants each of houses get the instrument of control above work of Zhekov. In particular, in the case of violation of the graph or quality of works, conditioned an agreement, the habitants of house cause a worker Zheka, and if he is not during two days, two habitants of house make an act-claim. After registration of this document in Zheke, the extra charge of paying for this favour is halted to the removal of defects.

Words by word With. Babaka, after acceptance of new rules an executive committee the process of signing of agreements of habitants will begin with Zhekami. New tariffs and changes go into effect from April, 1 of this year.

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