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Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 499
Area of lot land: 119 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 1511
Area of lot land: 234 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 1979
Area of lot land: 300 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 596
Area of lot land: 80 Ha

Life Better in Kyiv than in Moscow


Life Better in Kyiv than in Moscow


The highest living standards are in Switzerland. The most comfortable city in the world is Zurich. The lowest living standards are in Baghdad. Kyiv takes 166th place, Moscow – 171st. Delo reports about it.

The International consulting agency Mercer Human Resource Consulting estimated living standards in 215 cities all over the world. This research is being made annually. Work of experts is to help authorities of the transnational companies to organize the work abroad.

“The gap has increased last years between the cities at the top and at the bottom of rating. Living standards have raised in some regions of the world but gap increased between those cities where living standards are high and those where political and economical chaos prevail”, says senior analytical scientist of the agency Slagin Parakatil.

There were 10 categories in the rating. There were 39 factors as following– political, social, economical and ecological, personal security, health, education, transport and communal service.

New York is considered to be a standard by experts. Its rating is 100.

In 2007 New York took 48th place (minus 2 points in comparison with 2006), thus the life is better in 47 cities in 2007 than in New York. As for the lowest living standards of the world, such cities as Pointe-Noire (Congo), Khartoum (Sudan), Bangui (Central African Republic (CAR)) and Brazzaville (Congo) are included into the group consisting of 5 cities. Baghdad takes the lowest place (14,5 points).

The source: MIGnews.com.ua