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Main page / News & Events / World news / Zamkova Hora and Dniprovski steeps area becoming a natural reserve

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Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 499
Area of lot land: 119 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 1511
Area of lot land: 234 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 1979
Area of lot land: 300 Ha
Region: Kyiv region
Amount of houses: 596
Area of lot land: 80 Ha

Zamkova Hora and Dniprovski steeps area becoming a natural reserve


Zamkova Hora and Dniprovski steeps area becoming a natural reserve


Kyiv City Administration claimed Zamkova Hora and Dniprovski steeps area along Naberezhne (Embankment) highway between Pedestrian and Paton bridges to be a local natural reserve. The total preserve area of Zamkova Hora is 5.9 hectares, Dniprovski steeps – 105.3 hectares.

“That means that in case the embankment needs to be put in order, it will be built up only with recreation facilities, not with hotels and flat-blocks, as some projects supposed,” said Anatolii Kovalenko, the head of Kyiv City Administration standing commission on ecology policy.

At the same time, All-Ukrainian Ecology League first deputy head Tetyana Tymochko named Kyivrada’s decision an eye-wash.

“They forbid the building up of only 3 pct of the riverside, giving a green light to build up the rest of the area,” she said.

The source: Rynok.biz