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Expediency analysis of land lot purchase

Expediency analysis of land lot purchase

Region: Kyiv region
Area of lot land: 23 Ha
Purpose: lands for agricultural purpose (private farm)

Location: 49 km distance from Kyiv’s boundary in Odessa direction;

The experts of SV Development  company have out the expediency analysis of purchase of land lot with target purpose – private farm, studied possibility of the land transference under cottage construction.

Based on the analysis, the experts determined supply and demand structure at the cottage market taking into consideration an object’s location.  Strong and weak sides of the lot have been revealed, real market price of the lot has been determined using method of market comparison of similar offers as well as based on computing of main financial indices under the project (expenses and incomes) and final financial result. The financial model of project’s realization was developed, and the recommendations have been given concerning it optimization.

In a result of this analysis, the Customer has been proposed to purchase a land lot because of it reduced market price and high internal potential.

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